WAV Mission And Philosophy
Team Purpose
The Westover Audio Visual (WAV) Team mission is to strive for excellence in the technical arts to support Christ’s impact on the next changed life.
Team Challenge
Ours is a team effort. Each individual and each application is designed to work together to create on environment. Different interests and different gifts move us in one direction toward one goal: to effectively deliver the message and create a great worship experience without distractions. Such a venture begins with a challenge: a challenge to our weaknesses, to our creativity, to our spiritual maturity and to our unity as a team.
Team Responsibility
As a team, we are charged with the awesome responsibility of fusing the message (the love of God), and the media (music, drama, video, etc.), to form an environment that encourages people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. As a WAV team member, your position—and how well you perform at that position—is critical to creating that environment: one that ministers to seekers and believers alike though a professional production.
Team Effort
The Sunday worship services are accomplished primarily by volunteers; they occupy 95% of the production roles needed on a Sunday morning. They serve God’s ministry and his church using their gifts and talents in this environment. Our ministry controls all of the live production elements during the Sunday morning service (i.e. live video, lighting, audio, stage, etc.).