MIssions @ Westover

Serve locally with westover

Local Serving Opportunities with Regular Rhythms

Treehouse After School Tutoring | Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays

Tutoring academically at-risk students who live in our neighborhood, all who speak English as a second language in.

Meals on Wheels | 4th Wednesday of each month

Delivering meals to homebound seniors in our community. 

A Simple Gesture | 2nd Sunday of each month

Food collection that supports our local food banks and pantries.
  • Donate food (pick up green bag to fill at Local Wall)
  • Neighborhood Pick up of filled green food bags
  • Volunteer with RePurpose (perishable food recovery)

Housing Team | 3rd Saturday of each month

Monthly home improvement projects for those with limited resource as a tool to serve others and share God’s grace and love.

Meals@Grace  | 2nd Wednesday of each month

Serve in the food pantry sorting food or packaging food items for pick-up. 

Sanctity of Life Team Meeting  | 2nd Wednesday of each month

The Sanctity of Life Team meets every 2nd Wednesday at 7pm. 

Local Serving Opportunities with Various Times

Senior Wheels 

Providing transportation to regularly-scheduled doctor appointments.

Hope House

Hope House is refugee housing across the street from Westover. Each year we need help preparing the house and supporting our new friends.

Refugee Resettlement

Partnering with Church World Service to come alongside our newly arrived refugee neighbors.
  • Provide transportation to doctor's appointments or to shop for clothes
  • Apartment setup

LoveLife Prayer Walks

Join us for periodic prayer walks as we pray for those making tough decisions as they walk through pregnancy and for all the lives affected in the process. 

Meet the Local Missions Team

Michael Trautman

Missional Life Pastor

Rebecca Pittard

Local Missions Director

Alan Neely

Director of Neighborhood Outreach

Michelle Moore

Senior Ministry Associate

What's coming up in Local Missions!

You’re invited to explore all that’s happening with Westover Local Ministries! From serving opportunities to community events, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference. Join us and see how you can be part of sharing God’s love with our neighbors.
Upcoming Events
Next Gen @ Westover
Fuse High School Ministry
Impact Middle School Ministry @ Westover Church
Care & Support at Westover Church
Prayer @ Westover
Local Ministries
Sanctity of Life @ Westover
Global Ministries
Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
WestoverKids Calendar
Child Dedications
Missions at Westover