MIssions @ Westover

If you really keep the royal law found in scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right.  
James 2:8

Your neighborhood -- is there a better place to know people personally, be a blessing to them, know and respond to their needs, encourage their faith and let them see the authentic you?

What is Neighborly at Westover?

We want to encourage you to reach out to your neighbors in a Christ-like way - authentically and intentionally.  We are looking for people to join the team and commit to 4 simple things:

  1. Join the Neighborly team for quarterly get togethers.  We want to meet for fun community, a meal, prayer, encouragement, and idea sharing.  
  2.  Learn your neighbors’ names – the parents, the kids – even the pets, because this matters to our neighbors. Maybe draw a map of your street with names by each house.
  3. Pray for your neighbors regularly.  Pray for the details of their lives that they share.  Pray for the health of their bodies and souls. Pray for a chance to know them better.
  4. Commit to one “Neighborly Connection” in 2025.  

What is a Neighborly Connection? Its an intentional action to share the love of Christ and meet a need in your neighborhood.
  • A neighborhood gathering: Do you know your neighbors?  Maybe getting a neighbor to help you host a block party would help.
  • A smaller gathering: Are there individuals around you that you haven’t met yet?  Perhaps a shared meal would start a relationship.
  • Serving those in need: Are there people with a medical issue or elderly folks around you that need some intentional communication or care?  Getting a meal train started or help with yardwork would bless them.

You may be doing this already.  Great! Join us and share your experiences!

Why are we adding this ministry focus?

One of Westover Church’s desires is to see our people applying our faith more generously by sharing the love of Jesus around us.  

Let’s face it – there are roadblocks to being more Neighborly.
  • Time: for prayer and intentionality– Who has extra time these days?
  • Comfort zone disruption: We must get out of our comfort zone and perhaps away from our “comfortable” friends/family.  
  • Ideas/encouragement:  Sometimes we need a nudge – even when it’s something that we want to do!

The only thing that will get us past these roadblocks is to understand our call as believers and step out in faith to love others.  Scripture calls us to…

What Neighborly isn't?

Neighborly is not a Westover Church membership growth strategy…
  • Our goal is to grow our current congregation in discipleship – becoming more like Jesus.  Loving others well will grow our faith!
  • We want to equip and challenge our body to make an impact in other’s lives.  
  • This is about obedience. Whether this grows our church, surrounding churches, or just creates better neighborhoods– this is what Jesus calls us to do.

How will Westover support you?

We want to encourage and equip you to take a neighborly step forward! The Neighborly ministry at Westover will make the following avaliable:
  • Neighborly ideas bank
  • How-to guides
  • Best practices and training
  • Loaner materials, like games, tables, etc.
  • Encouragement!

Join the team! Let's encourage one another.

Meet the Local Missions Team

Michael Trautman

Missional Life Pastor

Rebecca Pittard

Local Missions Director

Rebecca Pittard

Director of Neighborhood Outreach

Michelle Moore

Senior Ministry Associate

What's coming up in Local Missions!

You’re invited to explore all that’s happening with Westover Local Ministries! From serving opportunities to community events, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference. Join us and see how you can be part of sharing God’s love with our neighbors.
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Next Gen @ Westover
Fuse High School Ministry
Impact Middle School Ministry @ Westover Church
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Missions at Westover