

Christmas Day | Faith @ Home

December 25, 2022

Join on Christmas Day from your homes online for Faith @ Home!

During Christmas weekend, our worship together as a church family is no less important than any other weekend. We will still come together as the physically gathered church body over Christmas, however, we've simply moved that gathering to Saturday (Christmas Eve) rather than Sunday morning. Discipleship and our edification as followers of Christ doesn't only happen when we are gathered within the physical walls of Westover's building. Discipleship happens every day of the week in homes across the Triad and around the world.

Our typical gathering happens on Sunday mornings. However, on occasion we pause and lean into intentional opportunities to be a church scattered as ambassadors of Christ all across our area, Monday through Saturday, equipped to disciple and live on mission in our homes, schools, workplaces, communities and beyond.

To access your digital discussion and activity guide to help you facilitate Faith at Home, click here. To access the Faith at Home video, click here

Event Details

Day: Sunday
Start Time: 10:30am
Location: Offsite